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Life-Changing Story Workshop

Rise above and go within.

Connect to your soul, and your life’s purpose, and connect with one another.

Help each other be free to express who we really are.

Join the community of unity and create a brighter world.

The Hat

A man put on a hat that he found on the ground, and he flew. He removed his hat and he fell down. He put on his hat, and he rose. He knew the power was in this amazing hat. He free fell to the planet Earth and he bounced back up when he was just ¾…

On The Rise

A man rose to the sky. “My, oh my!” He was in awe of the stars and he fell down. He saw replicas of the stars in the concrete below as he approached Times Sq. in NYC. “Wow!” he said. He fell through the…

The Black Leopard

A man with a hat goes into a swirl of Light and goes up to the sky. He emerges as a black leopard and conquers the world.

The Chairman

The contents of the apartment went round and round like a tornado. The man sat on a chair that flew out the window and into the sky. “Oh, no. What am I gonna do? There is nothing to hold me in. If it tilts, I’m through. I will fall!” he belted out….

Marvin’s Story

I have healed myself through stories when my inner voice told me when I was so depressed that I couldn’t get out of bed. I didn’t know what to write so I said, ”Pen, you do the writing. I don’t know what to write.” And out came pouring the funniest stories I have…

Top Hat

A hat came swirling by. It was a huge hat, 5 miles long and 10 miles high. I jumped on the brim and it went spinning out of control like a top. It took me out of control. Until I decided that I was in control and better yet there was something else…

Stories Help

A story is about how the things that happen affect someone in pursuit of a difficult goal, and how that person changes internally as a result.

The Hat

A man put on a hat that he found on the ground, and he flew. He removed his hat and he fell down. He put on his hat, and he rose. He knew the power was in this amazing hat. He free fell to the planet Earth and he bounced back up when he was just ¾…

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On The Rise

A man rose to the sky. “My, oh my!” He was in awe of the stars and he fell down. He saw replicas of the stars in the concrete below as he approached Times Sq. in NYC. “Wow!” he said. He fell through the…

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The Black Leopard

A man with a hat goes into a swirl of Light and goes up to the sky. He emerges as a black leopard and conquers the world.

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The Chairman

The contents of the apartment went round and round like a tornado. The man sat on a chair that flew out the window and into the sky. “Oh, no. What am I gonna do? There is nothing to hold me in. If it tilts, I’m through. I will fall!” he belted out….

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Marvin’s Story

I have healed myself through stories when my inner voice told me when I was so depressed that I couldn’t get out of bed. I didn’t know what to write so I said, ”Pen, you do the writing. I don’t know what to write.” And out came pouring the funniest stories I have…

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Top Hat

A hat came swirling by. It was a huge hat, 5 miles long and 10 miles high. I jumped on the brim and it went spinning out of control like a top. It took me out of control. Until I decided that I was in control and better yet there was something else…

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Stories Help

A story is about how the things that happen affect someone in pursuit of a difficult goal, and how that person changes internally as a result.

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Sign up for a Free Introduction

Introductory Workshops

Cost: Free
Schedule: Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 3:30pm

Group Workshops

Cost: $100
Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Individual Workshops

Cost: $125
Schedule: Schuduled at a convenient time